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    Discover Time-saving Alternative to Court Trials


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    Tribunal offers an affordable way to resolve disputes

    PETALING JAYA: Malaysians are asserting their consumer rights by filing claims with the Tribunal for Consumer Claims Malaysia (TTPM). From minor claims for a screw worth less than RM1 to major issues like botched home renovations costing thousands of ringgit, consumers are seeking redress. With over RM190.28mil in claims filed from 2019 to May 2023, TTPM has issued awards totaling RM59.2mil.

    TTPM Chairman Hamidun Abdul Fatah said the tribunal handles claims for purchases valued up to RM50,000 and functions as an alternative dispute resolution body for consumers. He noted that the tribunal operates independently and fairly compared to civil courts. It provides a convenient, speedy, and affordable means of settling disputes.

    Hamidun emphasized that consumers who believe their rights have been violated can bring their cases to the tribunal. Unlike civil courts, claimants only need to pay a RM5 fee. The tribunal does not allow legal representation, except for large companies with in-house counsel. Hamidun stated that the tribunal offers hope for consumers to access a justice system that is quick and simple.

    He reminded consumers that they cannot file the same claim in both the tribunal and civil courts. Before the tribunal hearing, parties must gather evidentiary support such as written agreements, payment receipts, and communication records related to the claim. The respective tribunal president will assess the facts and law to make a decision and issue an award.

    Hamidun warned that failing to comply with an award within 14 days can result in a fine of up to RM10,000 or a maximum two-year jail sentence, or both. Dissatisfied parties can also apply to the High Court for a judicial review. He explained that the tribunal president’s role is to encourage negotiation and settlement before the hearing.

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    The tribunal aims to resolve each case within 60 days of the initial hearing, except for complex cases like home renovations that require additional time for assessment documents. Hamidun emphasized the importance of a fair and equal opportunity for both consumers and businesses at the tribunal.

    To file a claim with the tribunal, consumers can obtain the Statement of Claim form at TTPM offices nationwide or through the e-Tribunal portal at https://[email protected].

    Credit: The Star : News Feed

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