IPOH: During the seven-day Ops Khas Motosikal, the Road Transport Department (JPJ) has issued a total of 33,092 notices for various offences and impounded 1,516 motorcycles. JPJ senior enforcement director Datuk Lokman Jamaan stated that the notices were given after inspecting 64,980 motorcycles, and seizures were made due to extreme motorcycle modifications. He also mentioned that some major offences included riding without insurance, without a valid license, vehicle modification, beating red lights, not wearing a helmet, and violation of the regulations under the Road Transport Act, with 11,445, 9,496, 1,315, 474, 306, and 306 notices respectively. According to Bernama, Lokman highlighted that numerous motorcyclists had modified their vehicles’ original structure, which could lead to accidents. The operation was carried out by 85 officers from JPJ headquarters and state JPJ, in collaboration with the police, the National Anti-Drugs Agency, the Immigration Department, and the Environment Department.
Credit: The Star : News Feed