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    HomeNewsMalaysiaRM5bil to improve Sabah's power supply over next decade

    RM5bil to improve Sabah's power supply over next decade


    Shopee CNY Sale

    KOTA KINABALU: The Sabah Electricity Sdn Bhd (SESB) is planning to invest around RM5bil in the next decade to enhance the quality and reliability of the state’s electricity supply. Datuk Seri Wilfred Madius Tangau, the chairman of SESB, announced that the long-term goal is to transform the utility company into a world-class power producer with top-notch electricity generation and distribution infrastructure. The substantial investment is aimed at ensuring cost-effective electricity supply security for the people of Sabah.

    He also mentioned that the move to transfer SESB’s regulatory authority from the Federal Government back to the state would be a significant historic change. He expressed confidence in Sabah regaining its regulatory controls after four decades under the Federal Government at a book launch on Thursday (Dec 28). The book, “The SESB Story,” was released in celebration of SESB’s silver jubilee.

    Madius emphasized that despite the transfer of regulatory authority to Sabah, there are still major challenges ahead. He stressed the need to find the best mechanism, model, and formula to effectively manage SESB and ensure its success under Sabah’s ownership. He also highlighted that SESB should be able to operate without relying on government subsidies as it is a business-driven entity.

    According to Madius, the 25 years of privatisation of SESB have led to significant progress, particularly in the construction of the transmission and distribution grid. He noted that all towns and cities in Sabah, except for Ranau, Telupid, and Tongod, have been successfully connected to the grid system. However, Madius emphasized the importance of addressing the challenges that still exist for SESB to stand on its own and continue to progress.

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    Wilfred Madius Tangau is the Tuaran MP and expressed his confidence in the upcoming special session of the state assembly on Jan 3, where the transfer of regulatory authority to Sabah is expected to take place. The anticipated transfer is considered a crucial step towards achieving a reliable and efficient electricity supply system in Sabah. He believes that this shift will pave the way for SESB to become a self-sustaining entity without relying on external subsidies.

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