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Sunday, June 30, 2024
    HomeNewsMalaysiaTwo men die in pile-up near Sibu

    Two men die in pile-up near Sibu


    Shopee CNY Sale

    SIBU: Two men lost their lives after the car they were travelling in was involved in a pile-up in Siniawan, Bau, on Thursday (June 27).

    The victims were Atong Nebok, 62, and Wilson Atong, 36. The collision involved two cars, a lorry, and a van.

    The State Fire and Rescue Department said in its daily update that its Bau station received a distress call at about 2.55pm.

    “Five fighters from the Bau station were immediately dispatched to the scene. On arrival, they found two men pinned in a mangled car,” it added.

    The two victims were subsequently extricated.

    “Others who were injured have been sent to Hospital Bau for treatment,” it added.

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