Joaquin Phoenix, known for his performance in “Beau Is Afraid,” portrays a captivating short king in Ridley Scott’s upcoming historical war epic set in Napoleonic France. The film, written by David Scarpa, explores the emperor’s series of brutal, ego-driven wars. The official trailer showcases Phoenix’s character taking advantage of the instability in revolutionary France, seizing opportunities amidst the power vacuum left behind by the beheading of Sofia Coppola’s muse, Marie Antoinette. The film promises gripping battle scenes and provides glimpses of Phoenix’s character’s rise to power. The star-studded cast includes Vanessa Kirby, who portrays Joséphine, Phoenix’s lover and chief strategist. Together, they embark on a mission to conquer Europe, destroy Egyptian antiquities, and even invade Russia during winter. “Napoleon” is set to hit theaters on November 22.